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Rotating around a point

Posted: 2007-08-13T12:44:22-07:00
by mkoppanen
I know there is a DrawRotate function but I was wondering if it is possible to rotate an element around a certain point using the MagickWand API ?

Currently all I have figured out is to do some translations and render the element on an transparent canvas and overlay that on the final image. Not very elegant :lol:

Re: Rotating around a point

Posted: 2007-10-01T21:53:04-07:00
by anthony
I thing we need a little more detail ablut the 'element'.

Draw will rotate the coordinates of drawing elements BEFORE thay are drawn if you use appropriate settings.. see IM examples, Draw, warping the drawing surface

Re: Rotating around a point

Posted: 2007-10-28T12:33:13-07:00
by mkoppanen
Thank you Anthony!

Sorry for responding so late, I forgot to add this topic to subscribed topics.