GUI interface.

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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GUI interface.

Post by wexfordpress »

I recognize that ImageMagick is best used from a command line. But the sheer volume of functions and options makes the program effectively unusable without weeks of study. I also recognize that there are many programming language interfaces. Has anyone put together a GUI front end for the package using e.g., Tcl/Tk? I just need to use the package, not memorize it.

John Culleton
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Re: GUI interface.

Post by Bonzo »

There is a lot of learning involved with ImageMagick but if you want to do something straight forward there are a lot of examples around you could modify.
Anthony has his example site of most if not all of the comands Most of my examples are written with php in mind but they can be adapted to other methods.

Thinking about it somebody who had time on their hands could write a class when you select what you want to do it automaticaly gave the options. But thinking about it there is so much you could do you would need to draw the line somewhere !

I had a quick look at Tcl and as I see it there is something else to learn and if something is implimented in ImageMagick you have to wait until Tcl is updated before you can use it ?
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Re: GUI interface.

Post by anthony »

Most of my examples are written with php in mind but they can be adapted to other methods.
Actually IM examples is written with Command line UNIX and batch shell scripting in mind. However it lends itself to system calls from most other languages including perl and PHP.

Basically is it a good starting point to work out what you want to do, before jumping into a specific API for speed and multiple image handling. And is speed isn't important, you can just make system calls to the command line. :-)

Most new stuff appears for the command line first anyway, and the interface is documented more completely. Especially if I created the addition (-layers, -order-dither update, and current work with -distort, after the basic frame work was created by Cristy :-) )
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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