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Flatten changes color

Posted: 2007-08-22T06:21:51-07:00
by cs_rol

I have a psd file, which was created by photoshop, and it has a red text in it.

when i convert it to jpg I set background color to white and flatten it to get rid of all transparency. afterwards the text color changes to green.

Code: Select all

convert color.psd -background white -flatten color.jpg

as you can see here:

command without flatten

Code: Select all

convert color.psd color.jpg

it produces three outputfile where the first one is correct and the other ones are parts of the image.

why does flattening change the color and how can i prevent it from doing so?

thanks in advance, richard

Re: Flatten changes color

Posted: 2007-08-22T21:45:26-07:00
by anthony
The image is NOT RGB, so 'white' when flattened does not match the image.

Try, adding -colorspace RGB before the flatten.

See IM Examples, Basics, Colorspace

Re: Flatten changes color

Posted: 2007-08-23T00:18:22-07:00
by cs_rol
why do you think this image isn't RGB? Either Photoshop and identify say the image's colorspace is RGB.

the weird change of the texcolor is also done if i only do:

Code: Select all

convert color.psd -flatten color.jpg
why is this so?

Re: Flatten changes color

Posted: 2007-09-10T05:52:48-07:00
by cs_rol

Re: Flatten changes color

Posted: 2007-09-10T20:15:19-07:00
by anthony
Sorry if the input image is RGB, then I am not certain. :?

The image contains three layers. The first has red test
the second is the same as the first without any text, so text is removed.
the last has text in green which then overlays the red text.

If you want the first image only either delete the other two.
or reorder the images as appropriate.