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How to get the best print quality from a TIF to JPG conversi

Posted: 2007-08-26T11:25:55-07:00
by cesarcesar
I am working with a TIF to JPG conversion that will result in the JPG being printed from a web page. My issue is the final JPG image prints VERY blurry.

The TIF file that has the following settings,

Pixel Dimensions - 9600x7200
Document Size - 24x18 inches
Resolution - 400 px/in
File Size - 236 KB

When using the command

Code: Select all

exec("convert plat.tif -density 300x300 -quality 100 plat.jpg");
the code takes 63 seconds to run. Is this normal?

Then i run

Code: Select all

exec("convert plat.jpg -resize 792x612 -quality 100 plat_resize.jpg");
to reduce the JPG to the PX size i need. the code takes 73 seconds to run. Is this normal?

When plat_resize.jpg is viewed in Firefox using a standard <img src> tag the image looks not as good as the original TIF, but "OK". Though, my final output is to print the image and this is where my main problem is. The printed image looks blurry and unreadable. How can i get it to look as good or as close to the original TIF as possible?

Here are the files being used and generated. (image in page ready to print.)

Thank much for all the replies to come.

Re: How to get the best print quality from a TIF to JPG conversi

Posted: 2007-08-26T11:40:47-07:00
by Bonzo
You are saving to a jpg twice so its using the jpg compression twice; if you are going to do 2 converts you need to save the first as a png or similar.

I would have thought you could do it all in one convert:

Code: Select all

exec("convert plat.tif -resize 792x612 -density 300x300 -quality 100 plat.jpg");

Re: How to get the best print quality from a TIF to JPG conversi

Posted: 2007-08-26T12:08:50-07:00
by cesarcesar
yes you are correct that the image will blur more each time the conversion is done.

i had separated the calls to time the scripts. before timing them, i had it all in one script as you have shown and the blur was/is still NOT acceptable.

You can find an updated JPG file using the method Bonzo suggests at

Re: How to get the best print quality from a TIF to JPG conversi

Posted: 2007-08-28T00:09:45-07:00
by anthony
JPG is of course blur anyway. Particularly for sharp edges.