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Conversion RGB to Other format

Posted: 2007-08-29T07:08:59-07:00
by dudyalas
How do I convert 32 bit RGB (BMP or JPG) images to any these types A1R5G5B5,1-bit monochrome, R5G6B5 YUY2 UYVY, X8R8G8B8 images.
I need a command line utility preferably similar to "convert" or using convert itself

Re: Conversion RGB to Other format

Posted: 2007-08-29T09:41:43-07:00
by Bonzo
If your format is supported try:

Code: Select all

convert image_in.jpg -colorspace RGB image_out.jpg ... colorspace

Re: Conversion RGB to Other format

Posted: 2007-08-29T22:07:13-07:00
by dudyalas
to be more specific I want to convert 32 bit RGB Image to Standard
16 bit A1 R5 G5 B5
1-bit monochrome etc.
Or I need a method to get R component G component & B component of a image separately.
How to combine raw data to form a image

Re: Conversion RGB to Other format

Posted: 2007-09-04T18:34:30-07:00
by anthony
I think the bigger question here is... What image format supports these color spaces?
If this is handled by special color profiles, then you need to do a color profile conversion.
Otherwise you may have to save the converted image in a raw format such as the IM Pixel enumerated text format ".txt"
or perhaps a NetPBM image format