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Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-01T09:10:07-07:00
by TPM
I have searched high and low for an answer , but I am having no end of problems installing the PHP extension for imagick any help greatly apprcieated. here is a log of the failures:-

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\TPM\My Documents\kits\php-5.1.6-W

01/09/2007 14:03 <DIR> .
01/09/2007 14:03 <DIR> ..
15/08/2007 18:00 3,370 config.m4
15/08/2007 18:00 2,149 config.w32
15/08/2007 18:00 39 CREDITS
01/09/2007 14:03 <DIR> examples
15/08/2007 18:00 495,780 imagick.c
15/08/2007 18:00 843 INSTALL
15/08/2007 18:00 3,348 package.xml
15/08/2007 18:00 3,041 php_imagick.h
15/08/2007 18:00 217 TODO
8 File(s) 508,787 bytes
3 Dir(s) 184,811,401,216 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\TPM\My Documents\kits\php-5.1.6-Win32\ext\imagi
ck>type install
Linux install

Installing with `pecl` command-line utility

1. Install ImageMagick libraries (at least version 6.2.4)
2. Execute command "pecl install imagick"
3. Make sure you have in your php.ini

Installing from sources

1. Install ImageMagick libraries (at least version 6.2.4)
2. Unpack imagick source package
3. Go to imagick folder and type "phpize && ./configure && make
&& make install"
4. Make sure you have in your php.ini

Compiling Imagick into PHP

1. Install ImageMagick libraries (at least version 6.2.4)
2. Unpack imagick source package to $PHP_SOURCE_DIR/ext/imagick
3. In php source root directory run commands: "rm configure && .
/buildconf --force"
4. Configure PHP with command "./configure --with-imagick"
5. Run make && make install

Windows install
C:\Documents and Settings\TPM\My Documents\kits\php-5.1.6-Win32\ext\imagi
ck>pecl install imagick
Failed to download pecl/imagick within preferred state "stable", latest release
is version 2.0.0RC1, stability "beta", use "channel://
RC1" to install
Cannot initialize 'imagick', invalid or missing package file
Package "imagick" is not valid
install failed

C:\Documents and Settings\TPM\My Documents\kits\php-5.1.6-Win32\ext\imagi
ck>pecl channel:// imagick
Command 'channel://' is not valid, try 'pear help'

C:\Documents and Settings\TPM\My Documents\kits\php-5.1.6-Win32\ext\imagi
ck>pecl install channel:// imagick
Failed to download pecl/imagick within preferred state "stable", latest release
is version 2.0.0RC1, stability "beta", use "channel://
RC1" to install
Cannot initialize 'imagick', invalid or missing package file
downloading imagick-2.0.0RC1.tgz ...
Starting to download imagick-2.0.0RC1.tgz (66,972 bytes)
.................done: 66,972 bytes
Package "imagick" is not valid
4 source files, building
ERROR: The DSP imagick.dsp does not exist.

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-01T11:38:26-07:00
by mkoppanen -> pecl-5.2-dev (zip)

Unpack, copy php_imagick.dll to your extension_dir, add extension=php_imagick.dll to your php.ini, restart webserver and youre good to go.

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-02T03:14:30-07:00
by TPM

I copied the DLL into the extension_dir directiry, and modified the php.ini file

but I get the following error:-

[02-Sep-2007 11:04:14] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'c:\php\extensions\php_imagick.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found.

I temprarily tried enabling the load of another dll from the same directory (php_mysql.dll) and this is picked up so I know that apache is seing the directory - I also added php_imagick.dll to system32 directory as well, and the extesion_dir loacation to Path enviroenment variable so I am running out of ideas....

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-02T05:13:22-07:00
by mkoppanen
Which version of PHP you're running ?

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-04T15:29:45-07:00
by TPM

Sorry to take so long coming back, and I do appreciate your help - theres just so much to do......

PHP Version is 5.2.3

not sure if relevant but PHP was installed under C:/Program files/PHP rather than the default location of C:/PHP

I created c:\php\extensions to place place DLL's to load from



Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-04T21:23:07-07:00
by mkoppanen
Just to be sure that you have the right version of php_imagick.dll:

What is the size of php_imagick.dll file?

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-04T23:52:28-07:00
by TPM
60.0 KB (61,510 bytes) ,


Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-05T00:04:44-07:00
by mkoppanen
pecl-5.2-dev (zip) ---> php_imagick.dll is about 4.0MB.

Are you sure you loaded the correct package?

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-09-05T00:20:57-07:00
by TPM
Exactly the problem - thanks so much.

It is bizare I know I did cut from the ZIP archive and paste to the file location I even got a confirmation warning message to confirm file replacement - I will reproduce the step I took to see if it was me or if there is some underlying mechanism.

to fix I had to delete the incorrerect DLL and then paste in the new file I wonde if this was due to a file locking due to Apache being running.

Anyway thanks again


Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-11-24T19:34:16-07:00
by fc_dot_army
>> pecl-5.2-dev (zip) ---> php_imagick.dll is about 4.0MB.

>> Are you sure you loaded the correct package?

Where are you finding that? Every php_imagick.dll file I can find for PHP 5.2.1 is around 60kB.

EDIT: Aw nuts. Never mind. Got it.

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-11-24T20:04:27-07:00
by fc_dot_army
Okay, I have the correct PHP extension but am still getting nowhere.
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\WebServer\\PHP\\ext\\php_imagick.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0
I've tried this with both ImageMagick-6.3.7-1-Q16-windows-dll.exe and ImageMagick-6.3.7-1-Q16-windows-static.exe.The dll version fails the prescribed post-installation command line tests. The static version works from the command line, but that's not getting me where I want to go.

Re: Absolute beginner help with install of imagick using pecl

Posted: 2007-11-27T03:06:05-07:00
by mkoppanen
If the extension works from command line then it should work with apache also. Are you sure you run php5 with your apache?