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ImageMagick DLLs

Posted: 2007-09-14T06:17:25-07:00
by eldiener
I am building ImageMagick from source for my particular programming environment. I noticed a number of supporting DLLs mentioned in the configure program for my environment, but I have little idea what is necessary for my use. I would like to keep the number of DLLs for my use at a minimum, so I do not want to build and use any DLLs I do not need.

Is there any documentation anywhere on what these supporting DLLs are and whether the core ImageMagick DLL needs any of them ? These DLLs are described as:

bzlib - bzip2 compression library
fpx - FlashPIX library
freetype - TrueType & Postscript font support library
jbig - JBIG library
jasper - JPEG v2 library
jpeg - JPEG v1 library
lcms - the "little" Color Management System (LCMS) library
png - PNG library
tiff - TIFF library
WMFlite - the libwmf WMF parsing library
XML - the GNOME XML library
zlib - the zlib ZIP compression library

My programming system will be manipulating only jpeg images. No printing of images will be done programatically, nor will I be using compression for anything programatically.

I am also interested in what iM_MODs I need. I am guessing I need the jp2 and jpef IM_MODs and nothing else.

Any help in finding documentation about these DLLs would be much appreciated.

Re: ImageMagick DLLs

Posted: 2008-04-11T03:33:55-07:00
by manojmka
I spenst my four days on finding out what dlls to deploy with Image Magick application and how to make it find right paths. Can you please help me?

Re: ImageMagick DLLs

Posted: 2008-04-14T10:35:14-07:00
by fmw42
If you install IM from source and want to convert to or from any of these formats, then you will need to install each one that you want from these delegate libraries. Only the binary IM already has some nominal set installed. Each one probably has an INSTALL or README file that explains how to install them. They usually have a link to some web page that often tells you what they do. A nominal install will want to include support for jpg, tiff, png and PDF (freetype and ghostscript). The others are more specialized. Sometimes you need to install other supporting delegate libraries, but if you look at the README, it usually identifies what it needs. Other times, you will need to see the error messages when installing to see what other libraries are needed.