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Solaris 10: make check fails for

Posted: 2007-09-24T06:45:32-07:00
by fab

I am trying to comile ImageMagick on a Solaris 10 machine with the GNU tools (gcc,gmake,...) and am experiencing problems when I run gmake check:

Code: Select all

FAIL: tests/
/tmp/brodbeck/ImageMagick-6.3.5/tests/.libs/rwfile /tmp/brodbeck/ImageMagick-6.3.5/tests/input_truecolor.miff EPT 


Caught exception: button: ParseError unclosed tag: `typemap'
FAIL: Magick++/demo/
Read images ...
Creating thumbnails...
  add noise ...
  annotate ...
Caught exception: demo: ParseError unclosed tag: `typemap'
FAIL: Magick++/demo/
PASS: Magick++/demo/
angle 0
Caught exception: gravity: ParseError unclosed tag: `typemap'
FAIL: Magick++/demo/
Caught exception: piddle: ParseError unclosed tag: `typemap'
FAIL: Magick++/demo/
Caught exception: shapes: ParseError unclosed tag: `typemap'
FAIL: Magick++/demo/
PASS: Magick++/demo/
Is this anything mission critical or is it safe to use this version on a production machine?


Re: Solaris 10: make check fails for

Posted: 2007-09-24T06:54:44-07:00
by magick
Somehow one of your configuration files got corrupted. Run a validator (e.g. xmllint) against each of type-ghostscript.xml type-solaris.xml type-windows.xml type.xml and see which one fails to validate. Correct the problem and the regression tests should run. Report back here so we can determine how the configuration file got corrupted.

Re: Solaris 10: make check fails for

Posted: 2007-09-25T09:39:50-07:00
by fab

in type-ghostscript.xml I found an arbitrary <typemap> entry on line 430. After putting it into a comment make check only fails on

Code: Select all

FAIL: tests/
But that seems to be another problem. The arbitrary <typemap> tag can also be found in

Thanks for your help so far.


Re: Solaris 10: make check fails for

Posted: 2007-09-25T10:59:01-07:00
by magick
We're clueless where that came from. We check the source distribution and the file is in a proper validated format.

Re: Solaris 10: make check fails for

Posted: 2007-09-25T13:22:11-07:00
by fab
I am so sorry. A colleague of mine ran some patches he had derived from Mandrake against the vanilla sources. One of those patches breaks the xml file...

Sorry again, that's quite embarrassing for me.
