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Upgrade broke PerlMagick

Posted: 2007-09-30T15:17:05-07:00
by erinspice
I just upgraded from 6.2.4 for 6.3.2 and now my perl script is segfaulting. I just did the standard

Code: Select all

$ ./configure; make; make install
$ cd PerlMagick
$ perl Makefile.PL; make; make install
And I'm getting this error:

Code: Select all [~/www/image]# ./ "8" "6" "10" "#eeeeee" "#ffffff" "#ffffff" "#777777" "Erin" "590823" "-5"
endday = 161
today = 272
stamp is 1191194457
today comes last
26 and 254
0.0928571428571429 and 13
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The code immediately after the print statement is:

Code: Select all

my $image = Image::Magick->new(size=>"$width x $height",background=>'white');
my $x = $image->Read(filename=>'/home/user/www/image/blank.png');
$x && warn $x;
But it never gets to the warn statement. This code had been working fine for months before the upgrade.

Re: Upgrade broke PerlMagick

Posted: 2007-09-30T16:00:12-07:00
by magick
We can't help unless you post your code so we can reproduce the problem or at least post a stack trace showing the source of the fault.

Re: Upgrade broke PerlMagick

Posted: 2007-09-30T18:19:48-07:00
by erinspice
Here's the code. It looks like perl isn't compiled with debugging enabled. I'm using ImageMagick 6.3.5 now (upgraded again) and PerlMagick 6.3.5 and getting the same problem.

My blank.png:

Code: Select all


use Image::Magick;

my $width = 150;
my $height = 35;
my $factor = .4;
my $barwidth = int(($width-2)*$factor);
my $barheight = 8;
my $lightcolor = "#ffffff";
my $medcolor = "#ffffff";
my $darkcolor = "#eeeeee";
my $textborder = "#777777";
my $name = "Erin";
my $message = "is due in 100 days.";
my $filename = "test.png";

my $image = Image::Magick->new(size=>"$width x $height",background=>'white');
my $x = $image->Read(filename=>'/home/erin/blank.png');
$x && warn $x;

my $x = $image->Draw(fill=>$textborder, primitive=>'rectangle',points=>"-1,-1 $width,$height", antialias=>0);
$x && warn $x;

my $greywidth = $width-2;
my $greyheight = $height-2;
my $whitestart = $barheight+2;
$x = $image->Draw(fill=>$lightcolor, primitive=>'rectangle', points=>"1,$whitestart $greywidth,$greyheight", antialias=>0);
$x && warn $x;

$greyheight -= $barheight;
$x = $image->Draw(fill=>$medcolor, primitive=>'rectangle', points=>"1,1 $greywidth,$barheight", antialias=>0);
$x && warn $x;

$x = $image->Draw(fill=>$darkcolor, primitive=>'rectangle', points=>"1,1 $barwidth,$barheight", antialias=>0);
$x && warn $x;

$x = $image->Annotate(fill=>$textborder,pointsize=>10,text=>"$name $message",y=>$height-14,x=>$width/2,align=>'Center');
$x && warn $x;

$x = $image->Write(filename=>"$filename");
$x && warn $x;

Re: Upgrade broke PerlMagick

Posted: 2007-09-30T18:50:46-07:00
by magick
We tried your script with ImageMagick 6.3.6-0 Beta and it worked without complaint. If we get a chance we'll try it with ImageMagck 6.3.5-10 the current release.