How to zoom with convert crop and resize
Posted: 2007-10-12T19:46:35-07:00
I using the Bash command line and ImageMagick
If I type;
convert Starter.ppm -resize 100% -crop 725x200+275+450 Result1.ppm
This command cuts out the size and the area of Starter.ppm that I want and saves it in Result1.ppm
If I type;
convert Starter.ppm -resize 200% -crop 725x200+275+450 Result2.ppm
This command does cut the size of Starter.ppm that I want BUT it "zooms in" upwards and to the left of Starter.ppm
saved in Result1.ppm
I DO want to zoom in but, I DO NOT want to move upwards and to the left in the result. How do I avoid this ?
If I type;
convert Starter.ppm -resize 100% -crop 725x200+275+450 Result1.ppm
This command cuts out the size and the area of Starter.ppm that I want and saves it in Result1.ppm
If I type;
convert Starter.ppm -resize 200% -crop 725x200+275+450 Result2.ppm
This command does cut the size of Starter.ppm that I want BUT it "zooms in" upwards and to the left of Starter.ppm
saved in Result1.ppm
I DO want to zoom in but, I DO NOT want to move upwards and to the left in the result. How do I avoid this ?