MXS file format... help?

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MXS file format... help?

Post by mgc3003 »

Corel Painter has the ability to export/import an image into a special section of the program that simulates a painter's palette. (It's simply an 800x800 image, with a little bit of generic data they store in the header.) Unfortunately, this isn't a normal file format so a user can't just import any image they want into that slot.

The good news is - it looks like they document the data order, so I'm hoping someone here can add a feature to ImageMagick or give me a workaround so I can convert images into this format.

Format = ".MXS" Corel Painter Mixer Palette (image, 800x800)

The header looks like this when I open the file in a text editor:

Mixer File Version: 1
Scale: 1.000000, PanX: 0.500000, PanY: 0.500000
Mixer Background - R: 255, G: 255, B, 251
Mixer Width: 800, Mixer Height: 800
Mixer Image Binary data (AARRGGBB):
(binary image data begins here)

Here's an example of exported MXS files: (2.5 megs) (2.5 megs)

The "empty" one is after the image space has been cleared...

Can anyone help with this? Thank you so much!

Re: MXS file format... help?

Post by mgc3003 »

Okay so if I save a flattened image (no layers) as a default corel painter file format image (.RIF) --- and then I add that header to it in a text editor --- I can then successfully load that into the mixer palette.

SO - it seems to me that it would be easy to add MXS (with a generic header) as a file format in ImageMagick! Is there a way to officially request this?

I have to do this often & in batch... so it would be a huge help!
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Re: MXS file format... help?

Post by magick »

To "officially" request a new image format support, post a URL to the official image format specification that we can download and review and post URL's to several images in the requested format that we can use for testing/validation against the format specification.
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