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Merry Christmas: 3D Halographic effect

Posted: 2016-12-25T19:10:59-07:00
by dognose

Dunno if you have seen these glasses that produce a 3D effect with Christmas tree lights.


Is there a way to reproduce this effect with IM?

I've seen a star like effect, but this is a bit more complicated pattern

Re: Merry Christmas: 3D Halographic effect

Posted: 2016-12-25T20:30:23-07:00
by fmw42
Perhaps using -stereo.

Where do you get the appropriate glasses to see this effect?

Re: Merry Christmas: 3D Halographic effect

Posted: 2016-12-26T05:47:53-07:00
by dognose
Here is a pair.. ... Sw4shX9FIJ

they have a lot of designs. It's actually pretty cool to look through.

Re: Merry Christmas: 3D Halographic effect

Posted: 2016-12-30T03:21:58-07:00
by anthony
I can think of a number of methods to do something like that!

Have a look at the 'Star' generation script....

You should be able to extract the bright points, convert those into 'stars' and then overlay that.
In may way that is what those glasses are doing.

Their is also a similar effect seen in ... al_streaks
But the streaks are just enhancing a existing radial pattern, so may not be suitable.

The one other method is to use morphology/convolution to generate a star pattern for 'dilation' or 'blurs'
See Alternatives to Drawing Symbols

That last is in a odd place is it was providing alternatives to actually 'drawing' symbols and shapes in known locations, but instead using random points within an existing image.